Worship services: 9:00 & 11:00 Sunday mornings,
with Children's Church for both services.
Sunday School: 10:15.
Services are also broadcast as "drive-in" through outside speakers and on the radio at 92.9 FM.
For Weather Cancelations,
See TV Stations WDBJ 7.1, WSL10.1, OR WSET 13.1.
Helping people find the Way to God...
and grow closer to Him!
Worship Schedule
Early Service 9:00 AM
Sunday School 10:00 AM
Mid-Morning Service 11:00 AM
Pre-teen Youth Group 4:30 PM
5120 Scruggs Road
Moneta, VA 24121
(540) 721-5060

build up believers by teaching them the word of God, encouraging and challenging them to live in obedience to Jesus as Lord. We seek to practice New Testament Christianity in all its simplicity, without following man-made creeds or traditions. We would love the opportunity to share more about the church with you.
To learn more or to ask any questions you may have, please contact us by phone at (540) 721-5060, by e-mail at 1995jbcgrad@shentel.net, or by worshiping with us personally if you are in the Smith Mountain Lake area. If you are not in the area, we would be glad to help you locate a church near you. Just let us know how we may serve you!
Mt. Ivy Christian Church is a part of the brotherhood known as Independent Christian Churches and Churches of Christ. These churches are led by elders in each local congregation with no regional or national headquarters or denominational affiliation. Our purpose for existing is to make disciples for Jesus Christ and to